Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Hazards of Mobile Devices

Health Hazards:
Wireless devices have become very common in the past few years. Perhaps the most common are cordless and Cellular Telephones like Mobile. Other contain remote controlled garage opener , car door lock and unlock devices, and Wireless devices. All these devices utilize small radio transistors . And all these devices contain harmful radiations and can cause health hazards.

  1. All these devices emits RFR. Once emitted, travels through space at a speed of light and oscillates during propagation.
  2. These emits Gamma Rays.  These rays produced from high radioactive materials. And Radioactive materials have very harmful effects on our body.
  3. Generally Speaking, when one is talking on cell phones is giving off Electromagnetic waves (EM). These EM waves can damage our Ear drums and these have also effect on brain. Brain Cancer is causing due to these EM waves.
  4. If exposure of these EM waves is intense then these can cause skin burns, heat exhaustion and skin strokes.
  5. The Possible health hazards of cell phones can be classified into thermal effects and Non-thermal effects.
  6. Using of cell phones while driving can cause accidents as all the attention has gone on the talking.  

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