Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Registers vs Buses

Registers are related to processors. it is not a part of a memory or storage device rather it is a part of processor.
Buses are the part of motherboard. Every instruction from processor, memory or storage device must travel via buses.

The detail of the both described as follow:
Registers are the storage location in processors where every instruction remains there for a very short time. It holds data and instructions temporarily and then sent to memory , storage media or output.
For example if two numbers are to be manipulated then firstly they will remain in registers and then after calculation they are sent to memory.
Some following types of instructions are stored at registers:
  • Fetched instructions
  • Decoding instructions
  • ALU performed instructions
  • Results of calculations.

Conclusion:Every processor contains a high speed storage location and this high speed storage location is known as Registers.
it is a part of processors not memory or storage devices.

Buses are the channels or ways through which every instruction travels and reaches to its desired location from one part of a computer to another part of that computer.
Note that in computers every instruction travels in the form of  "Bit".
And bits transferring from input devices to memory, from memory to processors, from processors to memory and from memory to output devices  is totally held via Buses.
(for example you have to travel from sargodha to lahore, for this purpose you must have some vehicle and highway. This highway is so called as Bus. )
Buses are in the form of a collection of wires, and all the wires in a computers are consider as Bus.
Parts of Bus: the first part of a bus is called as Data bus and the other part of bus is called as Address Bus.
Size of Buses:
The size of a bus is called as bus width.
A 32 bits bus mean 4 bytes can carry 4 bytes information from one part to another part.
A 64 bits bus mean 8 bytes can carry 8 bytes information from one part to another part at a time.
The wider the width of bus the faster will be the  transfer of data.
So, now a days 64 bits buses are preferred over 32 bits buses.
Expansion Bus:
Expansion Bus is connected to a port  on an adapter card , which is inserted in an expansion slot on the  motherboard.
The types of expansion buses on motherboards determines the types of cards you can add to the computer.
Types of Expansion Bus: PCI bus,  PCI express bus, AGP bus, USB, PC card bus.

Sunday, 27 November 2011


What is Portal?

A portal is a type of website which gives you a variety of services under one domain name.
when you found all the below described services from one location, it will be a portal.
  • Search Engine
  • News
  • Health
  • Games
  • Horoscope
  • mail
  • messenger
  • Movies
  • Music
  • weather
  • Online TV
  • Shopping
  • Travel
  • Finance
  • Sports
  • Entertainment
  • Market updates(Stock Exchange)
  • Maps

Some popular portals are:
  1. Yahoo
  2. MSN
  3. AOL
  4. Alta vista
  5. Excite
  7. iGoogle
  8. Lycos
  9.,    etc.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Business Software

"Business Software"

Business Software is a kind of application software that makes people more efficient with their business activities.
Some popular business softwares are listed below along with their manufacturers:
  1. Word processing : Microsoft, apple, corel,
  2. Spreadsheet : Microsoft, apple, corel,
  3. Database : Microsoft, apple, corel, my SQL,
  4. Presentation : Microsoft, apple, corel,
  5. Note talking : Microsoft, corel, snapfiles,
  6. Project Management : Microsoft, Primavera,
  7. Accounting : Microsoft, Adobe,
  8. Enterprise : Oracle, Netsuite,

System Software vs Application Software

"System Software"
A System Software is a platform for the computer applications at which they run. It is the software for the computers.
System software includes Operating system, Compiler and utilities.
Some most common OS are listed below:
  •  BiOS
  • Linux
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Mac OS X
For more detail read post "operating system"

"Application Software"

Application software helps the users to perform their tasks conveniently and with more ease.
Application Software includes Database programs, word processors and Spreadsheets.
Application softwares are also called as End-user programs.
Application software available in a variety of forms:
  1. Packaged software
  2. custom software
  3. Web application
  4. Open source software
  5. Freeware
  6. Shareware
  7. Public domain software, etc.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Online Money

The Best Ways To Earn Online Money:

Making Money Online can be done basically in following ways:
  1. Sell Products and services on a website or Blog.
  2. Sell Products and services on e-mail.
  3. Make Money on other people's sales.
  4. Provide a service on your own.
  5. Affiliate marketing.
  6. Network Marketing.
  7. Make Money using your computers.
  8. Direct sales.
Following are some websites to earn online money on internet at your homes:
You can sign up from above described URLs and start earning money via internet.


Q:what is e-commerce?
The Buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers over the internet is called E-commerce.
Following are some benefits of e-commerce:
  1. Reduced costs by reducing labour.
  2. Reduced errors in keying in data.
  3. Reduced Times.
  4. Faster delivery of products.
  5. Flexibility with efficiency.
  6. Improve relations with trading partners.
  7. Lock in costumers.
  8. New markets.
How payment is transfered from costumers to sellers?
Both paypal and paymate offer credit cards to bank account payments. You can invoice a customer, they can pay on paymate and the funds is transferred in your bank account.

Types of e-commerce:
  1. Business to consumers (B2C)
  2. Business to Business (B2B)

Domain Name System

DNS stands for Domain Name System or Service or Server.
Domain Name System is an internet service that translates the domain name into internet protocols (IP) addresses.
The internet is really based on IPs, but domain name are easier to remember because they are alphabetic.
When we use domain name, the domain name system must translate it into corresponding IP addresses.
For example the domain name might translate into
If one DNS doesn't know how to translate a particular domain name it asks another one, until the correct IP is returned.

Disadvantage of Computers

1: Health Risks
Prolonged and improper computer use can load to injuries or disorder of hands, wrists, elbows,eyes, neck and back.
Computer users can protect themselves from these health risks through proper workplace design, good posture while at computer and appropriate spaced work breaks.

2:Violation of Privacy
Nearly every life event is stored in a computer somewhere. In medical records, Credit reports, Tax records, etc.
In many instance, where personal records were not protected properly, individuals have found their privacy violated and identities stolen.

3: Public Safety
Adults,teens and children around the world are using computers to share publicly their photos,videos,journals,music and other personal information.
some of these unsuspecting, innocent computer users have fallen victims to crime committed by dangerous strangers.

4: Impact on Environment
When computers are discarded in landfills, they release toxic materials and potentially dangerous level of Lead(pb), Mercury(hg), and flame retardants.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Hazards of Mobile Devices

Health Hazards:
Wireless devices have become very common in the past few years. Perhaps the most common are cordless and Cellular Telephones like Mobile. Other contain remote controlled garage opener , car door lock and unlock devices, and Wireless devices. All these devices utilize small radio transistors . And all these devices contain harmful radiations and can cause health hazards.

  1. All these devices emits RFR. Once emitted, travels through space at a speed of light and oscillates during propagation.
  2. These emits Gamma Rays.  These rays produced from high radioactive materials. And Radioactive materials have very harmful effects on our body.
  3. Generally Speaking, when one is talking on cell phones is giving off Electromagnetic waves (EM). These EM waves can damage our Ear drums and these have also effect on brain. Brain Cancer is causing due to these EM waves.
  4. If exposure of these EM waves is intense then these can cause skin burns, heat exhaustion and skin strokes.
  5. The Possible health hazards of cell phones can be classified into thermal effects and Non-thermal effects.
  6. Using of cell phones while driving can cause accidents as all the attention has gone on the talking.  

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Chemical Elements used in manufacturing of Computers

"Chemical Elements & Their Uses"

Lead        =  solder, CRTs, Lead-acid Batteries,
Tin            =  Solder,
Copper     = Copper wires, printed circuit boards tracks,
Aluminum = nearly all Electronic Goods,
Iron          = Steel chassis, cases, fixings,
Silicon     = Glass, transistors, ICs, Circuit boards,
Ni, Cd      = Nickle-cadmium rechargeable batteries,
Lithium     = Lithium-ion batteries,
Zinc          = Plating for steel parts,
Gold         = Connector Platting,
Mercury    = Fluorescent tubes, Switches(pinball games,mechanical                     doorbells)
Sulphur     = Lead-acid Batteries,
Carbon      = Steel, Plastics, Resistors.

"Green Computing"

Green Computing:

Q:What is Green Computing?
The main concept of Green Computing is: "The Minimum energy gives maximum reliability and timing."
Green Computing involves reducing the electricity consumed and environmental waste generated when using a computer.
Q:why computer energy often wasteful?
  • Leaving the computer on when not in use,
  • CPU and Fan consumes power,
  • Screen Savers consumes power,
  • Printers often consumes more power.
  • CPU uses 120 watts.
  • Monitors use 150 watts.
  • 8 hours of usage, 5 days a week=562 KW.

  • For a large institute, say a university of 40,000 students and faculty,the power bill for just computers can come to $2 millions/year.

Q:How can we reduce energy consumption?
  1. We can reduce energy consumption for a computer by turning off the computer when not in use, even if just for an hour.
  2. Turning off Monitors when not in use.
  3. Screen Savers uses as much electricity as any normal processing, and screen savers are nit necessary on a flat panel display.
  4. Use hardware/software with Energy star Label.
  5. Don't print unless necessary and you are ready.
  6. Use LCDs instead of CRTs, as they are more power efficient.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Types of Ram:

"Types of  Ram" 

  1. Static Ram
  2. Dynamic Ram
Other types of Ram are:

  1. SDRAM(Synchronous dynamic random access memory)

  1. DDR SDRAM(Double Data synchronous dynamic Random access memory)

  1. DDR(Double Data Rate)

  • DDR1

  • DDR2

  • DDR3


"Different types of  Mouses:"
"A mouse is a hardware device which allows the user to control the curser to manipulate data without any complicated commands."

There are following different types of mouses:
  • Laser Mouses

  • Bluetooth mouses

  • Infrared mouses

  • Cordless mouses

  • wireless mouses 

  • Track ball mouses 

  • Glide point mouses 

  • Joystick mouses

  • Foot mouses

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Operating system

Operating System

Operating system is actually a software to run a computer or a mobile device.
Different Operating System are in common use now a days in different computers and mobile devices.
The different Operating Systems are follow:

  • Desktop OS
windows XPs, windows 7, windows 98, 

  • Linux
  • Unix
  • Mac OS X
Devices running OS:

  1. Smart phones
  2. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
  3. Tablet computers
  4. Information appliances
  5. Smart devices
  6. Embedded Systems
  7. Mobile Devices or Wireless devices

Operating System that can be found on tablet computers and other mobile devices are as follow:

Android for Google
Blackberry for Rim
IOS for Apple (iphones)
Symbian for Symbian
Windows phones for Microsoft
Web for HP
Bada for Samsung
Maemo for Nokia



Ram short for Random Access Memory.
It is a type of memory and a data Storage device.
It is temporary memory.


1: the main advantage of ram is you can "write" to ram at any time, and the erase the ram at any time an "rewrite" over it.

2: it is easily accessible.


1: It has a disadvantage in that you need to constantly supply it with power.

2:  it will lose its information.

3:  It is temporary memory.


Rom  short for Read only Memory.
It is a type of memory and is a data storage device.
It is a permanent memory.


1: ROM advantage is that (generally) once it is "written" to, it will be there forever.

2: Roms are often used in fixed situations like the chip that runs a dishwasher.

3:  it does not require constant source of electricity.